Academic Advising

Office Hours

Monday-Wednesday: 7:45am-7:30pm
Thursday: 7:45am-4:30pm
Friday-Sunday: Closed

Fall registration is open

FALL 2024

Registration for Fall 2024 is now OPEN for all students! Please select the appropriate link below to get started

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Academic Advising Department

The Academic Advising Department is available to help students create a coursework plan that allows them to succeed at Morton College.

Every student should meet with an Academic Adviser frequently to ensure that they have current academic information and are making progress toward their educational goals.

The MC Advising Syllabus describes the nature and purpose of the advising relationship, establishes expectations for the Student Success Coach and student, and outlines important policies and dates. Our Advising Syllabus provides structure for your advising sessions and establishes from the beginning the nature of the relationship.

Download the MC Advising Syllabus PDF

Student Success Coaches

Morton College offers a comprehensive program of advising services. Staff members are eager to assist students with:

  • Academic advising
  • Educational planning
  • College and university transfer requirements

Student Success Coaches offer the following services:

Student Success Coaches provide information on college policy, the College Catalog, and refer students to appropriate campus resources.

Click Here for Catalog 2024-2025

Click here for Student Handbook 2024-2025

Student Success Coaches assist students with meeting graduation requirements. Students are encouraged to meet with a Student Success Coaches one semester prior to the expected graduation date.

Graduation Petitions are submitted online through Panther Portal. Download instructions here

For more information visit our Graduation page:

Transfer guides are planning tools used to select appropriate Morton College courses in preparation for transfer. Transfer guides are available for 42 colleges and universities within the state of Illinois.

  • 5 Transfer Degrees
  • Transfer Guides
  • Partnerships
  • Articulation Agreements
  • Transferology
  • Campus Visits
  • Application fee waiver

Click here to visit our Transfer Page:

Throughout the year, the College hosts individual visits from admission counselors, representing over 30 colleges and universities. The College sponsors various college fairs per year. The Private Illinois Colleges and Universities (PICU) Fair features private transfer institutions.

View our events calendar.

Students and Student Success Coaches work together to develop a personalized educational plan by outlining specific course work that applies to academic major requirements at the intended transfer college or university.

Students are assigned to caseload Student Success Coaches depending on their program of study, credits earned and last name. A successful student tends to meet with their Student Success Coach twice per semester. Please call Student Success Coach to set up an appointment with an advisor at 708-656-8000 Ext.2250 or email

Click here to find out who is your Student Success Coach.

Student Success Coaches can provide students with information regarding scholarships that are being offered by specific colleges, universities, and private agencies.

Further financial help is provided by:

Click Here for Advising FAQ’s