Policies and Procedures
Students must follow all policies, procedures and/or standards of the following:
- Morton College Handbook for Nursing Students
- Morton College Catalog https://morton.edu/programs-and-courses/catalog/
- Morton College Student Handbook https://www.morton.edu/wp-content/Downloads/MC_StudentHandbook.pdf
- American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses http://nursingworld.org/
- Illinois Nurse Practice Act http://nursing.illinois.gov/nursepracticeact.asp
- Policy and Procedure Manuals in all clinical facilities and agencies
- National Student Nurses’ Association Code of Academic and Clinical Conduct https://www.nsna.org/nsna-code-of-ethics.html
- Castle Branch https://www.castlebranch.com/sign-in
These documents serve to define standards of professional conduct. Students not adhering to these standards of professional conduct or other behaviors as determined by the College, will be disciplined up to and including dismissal from the program.