Morton College's foreign language courses provide students with an appreciation of different cultures through the study and practice of language and allow them to develop communication skills that could enhance their career opportunities.
Courses can be taken for credit toward degrees at Morton and offer value for students seeking to fulfill requirements at four-year institutions.
Spanish Courses
This course is the first course in a four course series. The student is introduced to the Spanish language and elementary skills are developed through ample oral and written practice. Students learn to communicate in a wide range of beginning situations for a variety of purposes. It also promotes a greater understanding of the cultures of those who speak Spanish and their contributions to the world. Lecture four hours per week.
This course is the continuation of SPN 101. It is designed to provide students with continued growth by further developing their fluency through ample oral and written practice. Students continue to expand their communicative abilities by increasing their range of situations. The students' understanding of the cultures of those who speak Spanish and their contributions to the world is widened. Lecture four hours per week. Prerequisite: SPN 101, one unit of high school Spanish or permission of instructor.
This is a beginning course for students with no previous background in Spanish but with careers requiring contact with Spanish-speaking people. Students study vocabulary and structures needed for basic communication and comprehension and are introduced to basic patterns and concepts. This course meets the needs of students majoring in law enforcement, the medical professions and social science, but does not replace SPN 101. Lecture three hours per week.
A continuation of SPN 120, this course is designed for students with careers involving contact with Spanish-speaking people. It provides additional practice with vocabulary and structure and uses special lesson units to meet the needs of students in law enforcement, medical, business or social service occupations. Lecture three hours per week. Prerequisite: SPN 120.
Heritage Speakers, who grew up speaking Spanish but may not be able to read or write it, will further develop their knowledge and understanding of the Spanish language and culture. Emphasis is on vocabulary, reading and writing formal Spanish in order to transition to Spanish 201 (SPN 201) therefore all grammar structures from Elementary Spanish (SPN 101 & 102) will be covered. Lecture four hours per week. Prerequisite: Native or near-native speaking fluency in Spanish or permission of instructor.
This course reviews the language content of the Elementary Spanish courses. It introduces intermediate skills and provides the student with ample practice to develop their oral and written proficiency. It also promotes a greater understanding of the culture through the study and discussion of literature and the arts. Lecture four hours per week. Prerequisite: SPN 102, SPN 130, two units of high school Spanish or permission of instructor.
This course is a continuation of SPN 201 and prepares the student to continue their study of Spanish beyond the intermediate level. It is designed to provide students with continued growth by further developing their fluency through ample oral and written practice. It continues to promote a greater understanding of the culture through the study and discussion of literature and the arts. Lecture four hours per week. This course applies to the IAI General Education Core Curriculum Fine Arts and Humanities package. Prerequisite: SPN 201, three units of high school Spanish or permission of instructor.
This course offers intensive practice in oral and written expression, stressing distinctions in word usage, structure and the elements of style. Oral and written composition stems from selections of representative authors, essays on Hispanic culture, articles in periodicals, short stories and a novel or play read each semester. Lecture three hours per week. Applies to the IAI General Education Core Curriculum Fine Arts and Humanities package. Prerequisite: SPN 202 or four units of high school Spanish or permission of instructor.
This course continues the work done in SPN 215. The course offers intensive practice in oral and written expression, with attention to distinctions in word usage, structure and the elements of style. Oral and written composition is based on selections from representative authors, essays on Hispanic culture, articles in periodicals, short stories and a novel or play read each semester. Prerequisite: SPN 215 or permission of instructor.
Students focus on the social, political, cultural and economic factors that have shaped modern-day Latin America. Course themes are explored through the study of major Hispanic writers, text readings and related media selections. This course is taught in Spanish. Lecture three hours per week. Prerequisite: SPN 202 or fluency in Spanish.
Students survey important Latin American writers and poets. The course emphasizes the development of effective skills for reading, understanding and interpreting Spanish language literature. Students continue to enhance and polish their oral and written Spanish language skills through classroom language study, discussions and essays. Lecture three hours per week. Prerequisite: SPN 202 or fluency in Spanish.
A continuation of SPN 225, the course surveys additional Latin American authors and genres and continues to emphasize literary analysis and written and oral Spanish language skills. Lecture three hours per week. Prerequisite: SPN 225 or permission of instructor.