Information Available for Inspection
As outlined in FERPA, Morton College students have the right to inspect and review information contained in their official educational records within 30 days of the day the college receives a request for access. Such records include information on academic grades, application for admission, college and secondary school transcripts, student placement, financial aid and other materials.
Students wishing to inspect their records should submit a written request to the Coordinator of Student Record Services in the Office of Admission and Records. The office of Admissions and Records will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
For more information, contact the Office of Admissions and Records at (708) 656-8000 Ext. 2346.
Information Unavailable for Inspection
As outlined by FERPA, students may not inspect or review the following:
- Financial Information submitted by their parents
- Confidential letters and recommendations associated with admissions, employment or job placement
- Honors to which they have waived their rights of inspection and review
- Educational records containing information about more than one student (in this example, the student may see only the part of the record pertaining to themselves)
The College is not required to allow students to inspect or review confidential letters and recommendations placed in their files before January 1, 1975, if those letters were collected under established policies of confidentiality and used only for the purpose collected.
In addition, students may not inspect or review student records kept by instructors or College staff that are in their sole possession and which are not accessible or have not been revealed to any individual, except a temporary substitute. Also, students may not review records maintained separately for on-campus law enforcement or employment records, except those positions requiring student status and for alumni records.
Guidelines for Releasing Information to Others
Morton College will not release to any individual or agency, nor permit them to access the educational records of a student except directory information without the student’s written consent. This restriction does not apply to:
- Morton College administrators, faculty, staff or other school officials demonstrating a legitimate educational interest
- State and federal offices requiring specific institutional reports
- Agencies or officials presenting a judicial order or subpoena
- Persons needing to protect the healt or safety of a student or other people in an emergency
Student directory information may be made public, at the discretion of the College, without the written consent of a student under the following conditions:
- The College must publicly announce its intention to make directory information available
- The type of information it will disclose
- The procedure a student can follow to deny in writing the right of the College to publish this information
Morton College defines directory information as a student’s name, address, telephone number, dates of attendance, major, awards and degrees received. The College may disclose any of these items unless a student submits a written request to withhold directory information to the Office of Admissions and Records. This request is valid for up to one academic year (July through June) and must be renewed each academic year, if the student so desires.