Economics courses provide a background for students to study how the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services has impacted societies today and throughout history.
This introductory course emphasizes macroeconomic theory. Students study the economy as a whole through output, growth, savings and investments, money and banking, inflation, deficit spending, government demand and unemployment. They concentrate on the aggregates of economic analysis. Lecture three hours per week. This course applies to the IAI General Education Core Curriculum Social/Behavioral Science package. Prerequisite: Completion of MAT 084 or MAT 093; or MAT 095 OR concurrent enrollment in MAT 085 or MAT 095 or Placement in MAT 102 or higher.
Continuation of ECO 101, this course covers microeconomic theory. It stresses how individuals, firms and industries decide prices; competition of firms; monopolies; farming; distribution of income; business and the environment; labor; comparative economic systems and internal economics. Lecture three hours per week. This course applies to the IAI General Education Core Curriculum Social/Behavioral Science package. Prerequisite: ECO 101.