All students requesting readmission to the Nursing Program are required to apply for acceptance into the program for the year immediately following their failure/withdrawal. Readmission is not guaranteed, and is based on the availability of open seats in the required course. Students will be given one opportunity to reapply to the nursing program after a course failure or a withdrawal due to a failing grade. Students who have already been readmitted to the program after an unsuccessful attempt and were again unsuccessful will be required to sit out one (1) full academic year in order to apply to the program as a brand-new student and start the program from NUR 107.

Students previously enrolled in the Nursing Program at Morton College who withdrew from a nursing course, failed a nursing course, did not meet the requirements when auditing or repeating a course, or interrupted the nursing course sequence will be subject to the following minimum requirements for readmission.

Readmission Process

  1. Visit the Office of Admissions and Records to obtain a Nursing Readmission application. A readmission application must be submitted at least 3 months prior to the semester of which the student is planning to reapply.
  2. Submit a personal statement to the Office of Admission and Records stating the desire for readmission, including additional education that has occurred since the applicant's last classes at Morton.
  3. The Nursing Program Dean will review the student's personal statement, and transcripts submitted in regards to their readmission decision.
  4. The readmission decision will include requirements to determine appropriate course placement, including but not limited to skills testing, Kaplan testing, and/or medication calculation tests. Course placement will be determined by the committee in conjunction with the Dean.
  5. The nursing department will notify the student of a decision via telephone and email.
  6. The readmitted students will receive their registration form from the nursing department and must take it to The Office of Records and Registration for processing.

Readmission Criteria

The following will be used in making a readmission decision:

  1. Applicant's stated reason for requesting readmission.
  2. Past academic performance and any work completed while absent is evaluated to determine potential for success and/or placement.
  3. Demonstration of skills learned in courses completed prior to the student's leaving the program. This may include passage of a drug calculation exam and demonstration of clinical skills, as deemed appropriate. Successful completion of these requirements must occur prior to the student's readmission. The plan will be individualized for at which point of the semester the student withdrew. The faculty member will provide input from the student’s past course completion.
  4. Whether or not the applicant will be able to complete the program within the time requirement.
  5. Space availability in the appropriate course.

Policy for Readmitted Students

All students readmitted to the nursing program automatically assume a probationary status. Students with a probationary status must meet certain requirements to be permitted to remain in the program. Students not meeting these requirements will be dismissed from the program. These requirements may include but are not limited to:

  • Being required to repeat previously passed courses within the semester the student is returning to
  • Mandatory summer review programming participation
  • Mandatory supplemental session participation
  • Weekly coaching and/or tutoring

At the end of the first semester after re-admittance, the student’s probationary status will be re-evaluated based on the student’s academic performance, clinical performance, and commitment to the program.