Nursing students have expenses in addition to the usual College costs. Some of these approximate costs are:


Nursing Program Acceptance Fee $100.00
Bootcamp Fee $50.00
Honor Society Fee $25.00
Graduation Stole Fee $60.00
Clinical Site Fee Per Facility
Titers/Immunizations (Proof Verification Required): $100.00-$400.00/Year
Immunization Tracker (Background Check/10 Panel Drug Screen) $125/Year
Yearly Physical Exam $100.00-up/Year
CPR Certification $65.00-$75.00/2 Year

Supplies & Uniforms

Uniforms $100.00
Shoes $50.00-$100.00
Watch with Second Hand $10.00-$50.00
Stethoscope $100 and up
Scissors, Pen, Light, Hemostat, Pocket Saver $30.00-$40.00
Textbooks & Supplies $750.00/Year
Specialty Exams (HESI) $65.00/Exam

Program Graduation Fees

Pictures $40.00 and up
Fingerprints Application $75.00
NCLEX Fee $275.00 +

Course Fees

NUR 107 $750.00
NUR 108 $300.00
NUR 110 $50.00
NUR 115 $250.00
NUR 119 $275.00

NUR 202 $250.00
NUR 219 $300.00
NUR 220 $300.00
NUR 224 $300.00


Additional fees associated with travel to clinical facilities and additional fees imposed by the clinical agency and/or nursing program course fees are not included above.

Course fees are associated with Kaplan review, upkeep of lab & equipment, electronic resources and numerous other items throughout the program.